
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Blocking Alpaca

I'm swatching and getting very excited about the 100% baby alpaca I'm hoping to use for this sweater. Before I get too excited, though, I thought I'd block my swatch to see what happens then.

What is your preferred method for blocking alpaca? I know that it can get really stretched out of shape when washed in water, but that's how I usually block things. I've never used 100% alpaca for a sweater before; I've always had at least 50% wool, which helps the piece "remember" its dimensions.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


  • I heavily mist it while it's on my blocking surface. The it's not pulled out of shape by wringing it out or carrying it to the blocking area.

    By Blogger Sherry W, at 9:48 PM  

  • I would be inclined to use the steam method. Pin it to the board, then hold a steam iron above and steam the swatch/garment, then let cool and dry before removing from board.
    There is an excellent article this month, I think it may be in InKnit or Knitters magazine, about blocking methods for different fibers. I came across it perusing the knit mags at Borders, didn't buy it thinking that I could find the same info in my books at home, but didn't. So I will be making a trip back to Borders.

    By Blogger Marji, at 12:39 PM  

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